Western Australia
Distance to Nearest Town
500km to Kununurra
Postal Address
Tramulla Op Shop PMB 3 via Wyndham

Tramulla OpShop

Kalumburu Elder Doreen Unghango dreams of opening a clothing store in Kalumburu become a reality in late 2016.

Searching for ways to make Kalumburu safer and more prosperous, Tramalla Women’s Group leader and Kalumburu elder Doreen Unghango has big dreams for the future of her town, her family and the larger community.

“We have dreams that we want to make happen, make lives change for children and teenagers in the community,” Doreen said. “As strong women, we want to learn how to do business and teach our young people this.”

With limited funding available but plenty of spirit, the concept of a popup op shop came to life. After hundreds of pieces of second-hand clothing arrived at Kalumburu after non-for-profit Enterprise Learning Projects’ call for donations was answered by people from around Australia.

From the clothing sales, the women have dreams of setting up small businesses that ring true to their cultural identity such as bush medicine products, clapping sticks and soap.

“We like to be independent, do our own business, do our own op shop and secondhand clothes,” Doreen said. “Some young girls are already cooking and selling food, making bags too.”

Profits generated from the op shop will also provide seed funding to explore other small business ideas within the community.

This project is supported by Clare Wood – Enterprise Partnerships WA

Items we need most:

  • men’s shirts t-shirts
  • men’s shorts
  • larger size women’s clothes 20 (any clothes for larger women)
  • clothes for children 6-10 years
  • No clothes for children under 3 required

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